Kevin Rathge

Collaborative team leader specializing in UI design, branding, and related visual communication for brands.


Interactive Art Director / Lead UI Designer

2016 — Present

The University of Texas at Austin, University Communications

Design and develop university-wide digital brand standards, components, and best practices for web projects—the Texas Design System—to improve our user experience. Concept, wireframe, prototype, and design university websites based on user testing, analytics, and business goals. Collaborate with Developer and UX Manager to determine strategy and execution on all projects. Design and build HTML email brand templates for use on campus. Create a UX/UI curriculum to build our team's skillset and expertise.

Art Director

2012 — 2016

The University of Texas at Austin, University Creative Services

Oversaw and championed the redesign of the 2014 university academic brand and design standards. Coordinated with Project Managers to assign work to our Sr. Designers, writers, and photographers. Consulted with core clients to scope projects. Worked with communication teams across campus to uphold and align their college or school brand standards.

Art Director

2007 — 2012

The University of Texas at Austin, University Development

Lead and expanded University Development design standards. Designed and directed print and digital materials including special projects, invitations, and presentations. Built university capital campaign standards for print and digital materials used by development teams across campus. Coordinated and assigned the work of our Sr. Designer. Worked with writing team on messaging for capitol campaign, advertisements, and general materials.


Visual Design & Strategy
User Interface (UI) Design
User Experience (UX)
Information Architecture
Brand Management
Print Design
Motion Design


Adobe Creative Suite
HTML Email


BFA, Graphic Design; Minor in Drawing

1994 — 1997

Bowling Green State University


1992 — 1994

Columbus College of Art and Design